Welcome to Waypoint Engineering

Driven by the Passion to Engineer Solutions
Our Services
Conveyer Belts and Equipment
Cables and Cable Equipment
Diesel Machine Accessories
Mining Equipment and Accessories
Specialists in Engineering Solutions

In House Design

Problem Solving
Get in touch with us
Call us on:
(+27) 087 170 0199
(+27) 082 787 3140
(+27) 017 632 9000
(+27) 017 632 2210
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About Us
Both JW Botha and PP Sekabate were employed at Veldkon Engineering for 20 years and are well groomed for the Mining Industry and its requirements. Waypoint is also a BEEE
approved entity and accepted by numerous companies as such.
As of October 2004, we had taken over the Veldkon Engineering premises, equipment and most of their employees. We can, therefore, assure you with confidence, that we are well
equipped and qualified to service the industry.
Our strong points are in problem-solving and we do in-house design to ensure quick
solutions to overcome your problems.
Engineering fabricators of steel, aluminum and stainless steel equipment as per your specifications
. Documented quality control to ensure quality products.
Situated in Evander, we are right on your doorstep, convenient fora speedy response when
Driven by the Passion
to Engineer Solutions
Any creature that can sleep off the deadly neuro-toxic cocktail of venom from a cobra and confidently waltz into the middle of a lion pride without batting an eyelid, deserves this title.”
BBBEE Certificate

SARS TAX Compliance Status

Letter Of Good Standing